Building for the Future: Considerations for New Dairy Barns - This event has already occurred
Thursday, March 6, 2025 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Grey Ag Services, Unit 3, 206 Toronto St. S, Markdale ON, N0C 1H0
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Event Details:
Dairy farms with aging barns that are close to outlasting their intended lifespan present producers with opportunities to renew their housing. The decision to invest in the future brings many options into focus. This presentation will examine the process and discuss features that producers may want to consider as options to include. This course aims to discuss cow comfort considerations and future opportunities such as manure handling for future co-products, in-barn technology options, creating efficiencies for labour and tips for the planning process. The course will be lead by Tom Wright (Dairy Cattle Specialist), Cynthia Miltenburg (Lead Veterinarian, Animal Health and Welfare), Christoph Wand (Livestock Sustainability Specialist), and Angie Wilson (Dairy Specialist), all of OMAFA. Course fee is $20.00. Please RSVP to by at least 2 days prior to the workshop.
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